How To Create Password Protected Page or Post In WordPress Without Plugin

January 25, 2017

Creating password protected page or post in WordPress always helps you securing your content. Any type of content you create – text content, video content, audio content, If you want to secure. This step by step post will help you creating password protected WordPress page or post. You do not need to use any plugin or extension to create password protected page. WordPress has default options to create password protected page or post. When you publish a content, you have three different visibility setting that helps you creating private or public page or post.

How To Create Secured Password Protected Page or Post

Log In To Dashboard

Login to your WordPress dashboard with your admin user ID & password. This will give you full functional access on your WordPress website. If you do not log in with admin user ID or you have limited access on that WordPress website as WordPress subscriber ID. You might not get the option to create any post. So step number one is log in with an admin access.

WordPress Dashboard

Add New Page or Post

Click on “Add New” From Post section of your WordPress dashboard. This will help you creating new WordPress page. You can create WordPress post as well. If you do not know, how to create WordPress Page or Post. Visit SoftHopper Blog Section how WordPress tutorial section to learn to create WordPress Post.add new password protected page in wordpress

Decorate Your Content

Decorate your WordPress page or post with Text, Image or Video.You can create any type of content. You can post Image, Audio or Video. After decorating the post you have to change visibility setting. To create password protected WordPress Page or Post.

Create Password For Members

Select “Password Protected” and type a password from post visibility setting. This will make your content private. Only members who know the password can access on that specific WordPress page or post. This ensures securing your valuable online document as well. No one can access on that web page until you allow them to visit. visibility setting create new wordpress password

Why Should I Create Password Protected WordPress Page or Post?

Creating password protected page or post helps you securing your valuable content. No one can access your content unless you allow them. This helps you creating membership website without membership plugin. You need not use any paid membership plugin for this task. To run study group or thesis website, you can use this amazing tricks.

Do I need Any Plugin To Create Password Protected Page or Post?

No, you do not need to use any membership plugin or add-on to post password protected page or post. WordPress has default options to create password protected content. We already described step by step process, how you can create password protected WordPress page or post. Following the steps will help you understanding each and everything from scratch.

WordPress Password Protected Page or Post Creation Video Tutorial

Wrapping It Up: You have three different visibility option in WordPress. You can create a public post, password protected post or private. All of them has different functionality. Creating password protected page always gives an extra advantage to secure your content. Creating password protected page also helps you protecting your content from being copied or plagiarized.

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Posted In:  Tutorial